Tara Jacobs
KCCB Chairperson
My name is Tara Jacobs. I am 47 years old and have been employed with the Kahnawake Peacekeepers for 23 years. In my role with the Peacekeepers, I have seen the daily struggles in the community with cannabis. As such, I feel that I have the knowledge and experience in cannabis to assist the Kahnawake Cannabis Control Board (KCCB) in making the right decisions with regards to the cannabis industry. I wanted to become a member of the KCCB to have the cannabis industry regulated and not have an influx of dispensaries within the community, and to ensure that cannabis is safe for consumption.

David A. Diabo
KCCB Member
David A. Diabo is a Kanien’kehá:ka Mohawk from the community of Kahnawake, and is a specialist in First Nations Occupational Health, Safety and Emergency Management.
Graduating from Cape Breton University with a Bachelor of Technology in Emergency Management, Mr. Diabo has been working as the Special Advisor for Emergency Services to the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) since 2011. During this time he also completed a three (3) year Work Interchange to then Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) where he managed the Non-Structural Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Program before returning to the AFN to resume his former duties at the AFN in August of 2017.
AFN Emergency Services co-lead the Inventory of Emergency Management Capabilities in Indigenous Communities with Public Safety Canada, and is currently co-leading the Steering Community on First Nations Home Flood Insurance Needs project with Indigenous Services Canada.

Darlene Alfred
KCCB Member
Coming soon.

For full information regarding the KCCB, please see Section IV; page 9 of the Kahnawake Cannabis Control Law.