New Operations Manager for Kahnawà:ke Cannabis Control Office
The Kahnawà:ke Cannabis Control Board (KCCB) is pleased to announce that Jennifer Paul has been hired as the Operations Manager for the Kahnawà:ke Cannabis Control
The Kahnawà:ke Cannabis Control Board (KCCB) is pleased to announce that Jennifer Paul has been hired as the Operations Manager for the Kahnawà:ke Cannabis Control
The Kahnawà:ke Cannabis Control Board (KCCB) wishes to inform the community of upcoming in-person consultations with residents living within close proximity to proposed dispensary locations.
The Kahnawà:ke Cannabis Control Board (KCCB) is pleased to announce that a Micro-Cultivation Licence has been officially granted to MSJ Cultivation. This licence issuance follows
The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK) is pleased to announce that Ms. Kary Robertson has been appointed as an Alternate Member of the Kahnawà:ke Cannabis
Operations Manager for the Kahnawà:ke Cannabis Control Office